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Emotional intelligence was created with the intention for all. To furbish, mend, improve and install! Long have we forgotten our ability as young and old. It was created to discover and explore someone incredible! It was created for you!
We've become a facility of hostility, because we fear our phobias, instilled by the past, people, incidents, & more. You can be anything, teachers, leaders or the upcoming Martin Luther King! Don't forget to be yourself. There's a teacher within all of us.
There's a leader within all of us. Let's commence to transcribe your Ink to Hope!

What Ink Means to Us?

The slightest of marks, leave the biggest and lasting impressions!

Ink is Magnetic, ink is imagination, ink is poetic, and is a fascination! Ink is writing, ink is creating, ink is exhibiting oneself through expression, prayer, and meditation.

Your skill, your talent! Ink is "Your" pageant! Intelligence, emotions, persistence - Ink is you!

Ink is Hope! Hope is your goal, your objective on a scroll. Hope is a new beginning, a new soul. An imprint of yourself on the world. Ink to Hope: Allows you to choose your Ink, and transcribe your Hope!

Ink is Magnetic, ink is imagination, ink is poetic, and is a fascination. Ink is writing, ink is creating, ink is exhibiting oneself through expression, prayer, and meditation. Your skill, your talent! Ink is