Emotional Intelligence: Training For Teachers!

Emotional Intelligence: Training for Teachers is not limited to an academic background in education or simply one whose occupation is held in school or educational institutes.

There is a Teacher within All of us. Our actions, words, gestures and mere existence is a living, breathing educational institute for ourselves, those around us, and life itself.

So as you begin your training, ask yourself - What type of Teacher am I?

What type of Teacher do I aspire to be?

What do I wish to leave in this world, that wasn't there before?

Did you get your answers? Great! Join us, as we begin, share, and discover this incredible journey together!

Emotional Intelligence: Awareness of EQ Vs. IQ Wielding

After completing this eBook you will be able to:

* Allow yourself to immerse yourself in a new environment.

* Overcome your fears and insecurities in a new work environment.

* Understand the difference between your I.Q and E.Q.

* Learn to motivate and support your emotions and yourself.

* Avoid being reliant and dependent on people or situations.

* Avoid conforming to false expectations.

* Freedom of expression and creativity.

* Develop your self-awareness.

* Understand and foresee the consequences of your actions.

* Learn how to acquire your goals.

* Learn how to apply the Law Of Attraction in your life.

* Define and understand Success.

* Make a positive and permanent change in your life.

Emotional Intelligence: Psyche of a Vir=Petrator

Emotional Intelligence: Psyche of a Vir=Petrator allows you to take a deeper look at the following:

1. Comprehending the real definitions of words, to understand life.

2. Identifying the Victim, Perpetrator, and Contributor.

3. Identifying negative people and how they present themselves in your life - negatively

4. Becoming aware of mistakes we make unto ourselves and our children

5. Becoming aware that we may contribute to the destruction of our children's lives and well- being

6. Identifying the Roles that were God-given and Roles we choose

7. Becoming one with your identity

8. Making choices and decisions for yourself, only!

1. Comprehending the real definitions of words, to understand life.

9. Understanding the mind of a perpetrator

10. What mindset should we possess

11. Learn to build yourself