We have the Answers to Your Questions!

  • Are all the courses on Ink To Hope Accredited?

    Yes! All courses offered are accredited with T.I.T - Pretoria South Africa - A higher Education Traning institute, that certifies and accredits it's students in accordance with the criteria of the Department of Higher Education in South Africa. You may find further information "accreditation" on the link in the footer.

  • What qualifications do I need to study with Ink To Hope?

    Qualifications are dependant and differ from country to country. We offer many courses - most of which require a Matric or High school Diploma to qualify and complete.

  • What types of courses does Ink to Hope offer?

    We offer short courses, diploma studies, training and coaching workshops, humanitarian education and career development, staff and employee training, and many many more types of education! As long as you are willing to learn, We are willing to educate!

  • What is the duration of studies at Ink To Hope?

    All short courses offered have a minimum of three months' completion from the date of inception. Diploma studies range between 12 - 14 months.

  • Are All courses offered Online?

    Yes! All courses, training, and diploma studies can be taken in the comfort of your own "safe space"!

  • How/Where can I connect with other students?

    We're all Remote these days... Go ahead and join our social media groups. Share your insight, aspirations, and motivations on our Instagram & Youtube! Your voice is the one we want to hear! Check out the footer for direct details!