Emotional Intelligence: Training for Teachers

This accredited Emotional Intelligence course is dedicated to educate and train individuals to improve their communication skills, assists in dealing with stressors, defuse conflicts, and improve/create better relationships

A teacher is not limited to a classroom and a chalkboard. There is a Teacher in All of Us! The way we behave, our mannerisms, speech, tone, gestures, and characteristics are reflected by those around us.

We teach people with the simplest of gestures and emotions to create and contribute to making up their characteristics. There is a Teacher in All of Us! We can choose What we want to Teach and How we impart this knowledge onto others.

This accredited Emotional Intelligence course is dedicated to educate and train individuals to improve their communication skills, assists in dealing with stressors, defuse conflicts, and improve/create better relationships! What Type of Teacher would You like to be?

Emotional Intelligence: Training for Teachers is an accredited course. It iss dedicated to educate and train individuals to improve their communication skills, assists in dealing with stressors, defuse conflicts, and improve/create better relationships