Emotional Intelligence: Awareness of I.Q vs. E.Q Wielding. H

How do we find the balance between our E.Q and I.Q, to be in control of our personal and professional lives?

Emotional Intelligence: Awareness of I.Q vs E.Q Wielding focuses on first and foremost establishing one's identity. Being able to identify with oneself allows one to develop and adapt to the world we live in.

In this course, we explore and discuss different factors that contribute to an identity crisis, the causes thereof, and the necessary prevention measures and techniques which can be used to ensure we as individuals are able to make choices for ourselves, with complete confidence and security.

The most frequently asked question is " Which one is more important, E.Q or I.Q?" Well, the answer to that is simple - they are both equally important and significant to make up a fully functional human being. Asking this type of question proves our ignorance of Emotional Intelligence and affords the perfect answer as to why the world we live in is in the state it is in.

Emotional Intelligence: Awareness of I.Q & E.Q Wielding - This tailored and accredited course focuses on the Power of the Mind, when establishing and comprehending one's personal identity to develop in a professional environment.